
Gloomhaven mindthief guide
Gloomhaven mindthief guide

The Initiative is determined by card selection. The player should also pay attention to the Initiative order of both the monsters and the player's party. Avoiding damage should be used as a last resort, especially early in the game or with low-stamina characters. Exhaustion is more frequently a danger than death. However, the more the player uses this option, the faster they'll reach the point of exhaustion. When an enemy hits the player's character, the player must decide to take the damage, or they may avoid it by discarding a card. The benefits of discarding cards must also be weighed. Factors should include whether they can get a lot out of using the card at that moment and if they're close to the end of a scenario or not. The player will have to decide when it's a good time to burn their most powerful cards. If the player burns too many cards, they again may lose because of fatigue. If they don't pay attention to this, they may fail due to exhaustion. It is crucial to make sure the player brings enough cards with movement with them. Mastered Abilities include Raw Enhancement, Pure Augmentation, Formless Power, Shaping the Ether, Stoking Hail, Tremulant Cyclone, Infernal Vortex, Lava Eruption, Ice Spikes, Frigid Torrent, Malleable Evocation, Brilliant Flash and Encompassing Shadow. Unlike the Cragheart, they are Savvas that have gained the mastery of multiple elements. Mastered Ability cards include Submissive Affliction, Into the Night, Fearsome Blade, Feedback Loop, Gnawing Horde, The Mind's Weakness, Parasitic Influence, Scurry, Perverse Edge, Empathetic Assault, Withering Claw, Possession and Frigid Apparition. They use psychic assaults, sharp blades, and their tiny, deadly teeth to attack. Mastered Abilities include Fire Orbs, Impaling Eruption, Reviving Ether, Freezing Nova, Mana Bolt, Frost Armor, Flame Strike, Ride the Wind, Aid from the Ether, Hardened Spikes and Crackling Air. They are Orchid sages that can call upon powerful natural forces and use them as focused attacks. Mastered Abilities include Proximity Mine, Harmless Contraption, Flamethrower, Hook Gun, Ink Bomb, Net Shooter, Stun Shot, Reinvigorating Elixir, Restorative Mist, Energizing Tonic, Enhancement Field, Toxic Bolt, Reviving Shock, Volatile Concoction and Potent Potables. Tinkerers use these tools to explore and uncover ancient oddities. They are Quatryls, experts in crafting elixirs and gadgets.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

Mastered Abilities includes Opposing Strike, Crushing Grasp, Avalanche, Rumbling Advance, Massive Boulder, Backup Ammunition, Rock Tunnel, Unstable Upheaval, Crater, Dirt Tornado, Earthen Clod, Forceful Storm, Heaving Swing, and Nature's Lift. The Cragheart were marked for life by the Savvas, who shattered their cores.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

They were banished for not being able to master an element by the Savvas. Mastered Ability Cards include Single Out, Flanking Strike, Smoke Bomb, Backstab, Thief's Knack, Venom Shiv, Throwing Knives, Quick Hands, Special Mixture, Swift Bow, Sinister Opportunity, and Trickster's Reversal. They'll do what's necessary to make sure whatever they desire comes into their ownership. Scoundrels are opportunistic and look out for number one. Mastered ability cards include Trample, Eye for an Eye, Sweeping Blow, Provoking Roar, Overwhelming Assault, Grab and Go, Warding Strength, Shield Bash, Leaping Cleave, Spare Dagger, Skewer, Balanced Measure, and Wall of Doom. Brutes earn a living by lending their services to the highest bidder. They use their strength and size to wield a giant sword and shield. The currently available mercenaries include:

Gloomhaven mindthief guide